Composition in RedGreenBlue
The Dynamics of Research
Zajecs originality stands in the non-instrumental use of the computer. The task assigned to the machine is configured on a purely experimantal basis and does not presume a definitive realization.
This constituted an interesting aperture for the contemporary research in the field of Arte Programmata; in the extended sense of program that also defines the proportion between the activity of the artist and that of the machine: intuitive and imaginative in the first, combinatory and executive in the second...
Besides its aesthetic valence, Zajecs work should also be considered from an intellectual research perspective in view of the ethical and philosophical implications that stand at its basis.
Fiorenza De Vecchi
Translation from the catalogue of the exhibition “Anni Fantastici: Arte a Trieste dal 1948 al 1972. pp. 39-42, The Revoltella Museum, Trieste, Italy, 1994
From the Prix Ars Electronica 89 exhibition catalogue: honorable mention for computer animation, Linz, Austria, 1989